Sunday, March 8, 2015

Slice of life Day 8 - Seeds

Today I picked up some seeds! I thought about how amazing it is that a tiny seed stores all of the energy to start a plant growing. I thought about all of the happiness one little seed can bring. How one tiny seed can provide food all summer long and if you can all year. I thought about how in this busy life we may forget that things so small can be so powerful! Today I am thankful for seeds and there awesome power!


  1. A wonderful reminder-and metaphor as well. Lovely reflection!

  2. It is good to stop and be amazed! So much is taken for granted as we busily rush through our lives. There is much to stop and marvel over. Thank you for the great reminder!

  3. Have you read A Seed Is Sleepy? That book came to mind as I read your thoughts on the power of a seed. Great observations!

  4. LOVE Elsie's book recommendation. That's a favorite of mine. I hope you'll read it and love it too while you're in a seed state of mind.

  5. Marie, you're a seed of happiness to all of us!

  6. So true > " I thought about how in this busy life we may forget that things so small can be so powerful!"

