When texting I love using emojis! It helps to put into context short quick responses. Sometimes I even use them as a response. No words💬! I love💓💗💖Emojis!
Today I had a conversation with my first graders about using😃. They have just discovered emojis. Being a first grade teacher I know new things are exciting and they lead to great teachable moments. Today the use of emojis became a teachable moment.
We began by talking about the use of pictures to support writing. We then moved onto the questions "What is a comment?" And "Why do we leave a comment?" Students answered that comments help writers add to their stories, give compliments and share connections.
We have discussed in depth this year what is feedback, why do we give feedback, how do we use feedback. Students conference giving feedback and helping each other add to their stories.
We discussed "How do emojis support writing?", "Could emojis tell your whole story?" And "Is a emoji by itself a good comment?" Students came to the conclusion that if they were going to use emojis they would also need to add words.
I continue to tell myself teachable moment teachable moment. Tomorrow we will continue our conversation about comments and emojis.